Starting 2016 with a bang!
For my first of many keynote speaking events scheduled for
the coming months, at Hadassah Cascades in Florida , I’ve had the pleasant task of
pre-autographing all the 190 copies of my novel, HOTEL
MOSCOW! It was included in the price of the
brunch, and as always, my talk was not about the book itself but rather about
issues relating to its background. (Organizers can choose from 4 suggested
Please check the list of many events coming up in Florida,
Arizona, New York and New Jersey, and
hopefully you’ll join me. (If
you read the
testimonials you'll see why my presentations
are not to be missed.)
Some fun highlights of 2015:
In my December newsletter I promised to highlight some of the many memorable/ unusual activities surrounding my book launch of HOTEL MOSCOW. It's hard to pick just a few from the series of events starting with the celebrity-studded book launch party at the Manhattan's famous Friars Club to the exhilarating luncheons and dinners where I connected with appreciative readers. I love the TV and radio interviews, which I invite you to watch/listen. But here is a look at "behind-the-scene":

3) Authors’ endorsements:
The blurbs that HOTEL MOSCOW received from NYT bestselling
authors were the ultimate
affirmation, and each took my breath away. It is a
huge sacrifice for a working novelist—often under a contract to produce a new
book each year—to take the time to read a full-length novel and lend his/her
reputation to endorsing it. I am grateful to the many authors that have found
HOTEL MOSCOW so worthy of their names—Nelson DeMille, Andrew Gross, Tami Hoag,
Ellen Meister and many others!4) Reviews:
As an author I toil in solitude and silence for about 5
years on each novel. Then comes the Big Bang

“Stunning,” “A compelling narrative,” “Gripping,” “Unflinching
and unforgettable,” "Skilled and vivid writing," "Fascinating,"
"An ambitious, timeless story," "Intriguing," “An
eye-opening exposé ,” "Awesome," “Thought-provoking,” “A
can’t-put-it-downer,” “Action-packed,
steamy and suspenseful,” “A moving, poignant, and heartening novel.”
All describe what I had sought to achieve in writing HOTEL
5) Mah-Jongg tournament:

6) HOTEL MOSCOW in Costco!

From my very personal diary:
Some of you know that my husband, Ron, is the president
of Maccabi USA. Over
Christmas/ New Year we had the extraordinary experience of attending the Maccabi Pan-Am Games
in Santiago , Chile ,
where the USA
brought 400 Jewish athletes to compete against over 20 teams. It is a highly
effective cultural- and Jewish-identity program that brings dispersed Diaspora
communities together. It was a chance for me to reconnect with South-American
friends I've made these past 30 years.
In thanking you all, I’d like to offer you bookmarks. Many
readers appreciate them, and I can send up to 30 at a time. Please write me at , and I will be
delighted to mail them to you.
Thanks again, and wishing you all a great 2016!
Talia Carner
P.S. If you’ve read HOTEL MOSCOW, please post a review on Amazon or GoodReads. (Even a line or two would
suffice--unless, of course, you want to articulate more.) If you haven't read
the novel yet, here are links for both
the trade paperback--about $12--or the digital format.
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